October 6, 2024

Edison Electric Institute (EEI)

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
FERC Extends Interconnection Queue Compliance Deadline
FERC extended the compliance deadline for its interconnection queue rulemaking by four months, to April 3, 2024.
FERC Order 2023 Gets Rehearing Requests from Around the Industry
FERC got rehearing requests on its interconnection queue reforms in Order 2023 this week from around the industry.
Steven Baltakatei Sandoval, CC BY-SA-4.0, via Wikimedia
EPA Power Plant Proposal Gets Mixed Reception in Comments
EPA received comments on its proposal to regulate greenhouse gases from power plants, with some, including ISO/RTOs, arguing the proposal needed major improvements to preserve reliability.
Department of Energy Draft Needs Study
States, RTOs Caution DOE on Transmission Corridors
States, RTOs and others warned DOE not to let transmission developers dominate the development of National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors.
Environmentalists Call on Utility CEOs to Split with EEI on EPA Rule
A coalition of environmental groups wrote a letter to every EEI member CEO asking them to support EPA’s proposed emissions standards for power plants.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
FERC Interconnection Rule Sets Penalties, Ends ‘Reasonable Efforts’ Standard

FERC’s revamp of its generator interconnection procedures will impose penalties on transmission providers that fail to complete studies on time.

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Gates, Musk Discuss Clean Energy Innovation for Starstruck EEI Audience
Two of the world’s richest men drew crowds when they discussed energy future at Edison Electric Institute’s annual conference last month.
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Overheard at EEI 2023
The clean energy transition, the technology and funding to make it happen, were the focus of the Edison Electric Institute’s annual forum.
NERC, Trade Groups Oppose Call for Quick Fix on CIP Standards
NERC and industry trade groups asked FERC to reject a call to change how assets are classified under the Critical Infrastructure Protection standard.
Panelists Debate PJM Capacity Market at FERC Forum
PJM officials and stakeholders told FERC they oppose abandoning the RTO’s capacity market but disagree over the degree to which it needs to be changed.

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