effective load-carrying capability (ELCC)
PJM’s Planning Committee endorsed capacity generation rule changes for Manual 21, save the controversial effective load-carrying capability calculations.
AWEA said PJM’s proposal to change how wind and solar capacity values are calculated does not account for the technologies’ performance improvements over the last decade.
PJM unanimously approved a problem statement to consider granting merchant transmission developers capacity interconnection rights for offshore wind.
PJM is considering changing interconnection rules to accommodate transmission serving offshore wind generation, RTO officials told the Planning Committee.
PJM is reformatting and drafting clarifications to Manual 14B: PJM Region Transmission Planning Process that may impact the RTO’s planning modeling.
PJM is planning a special session of the Planning Committee to further discuss the RTO’s effective load carrying capability analysis for wind and solar.
MISO says the time is not yet ripe for creating a detailed solar capacity credit process.
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