February 23, 2025

EIM Governing Body

CAISO Approves Controversial Wheeling Limits
CAISO’s board approved limits on wheel-throughs during strained system conditions, despite opposition from utilities and the EIM Governing Body.
EIM Governing Body Rejects Part of CAISO Summer Plan
The Western EIM Governing Body rejected CAISO’s proposal to head off summer capacity shortfalls by limiting wheel-throughs during times of scarcity.
EIM Governing Body OKs Summer Readiness Measures
The Western Energy Imbalance Market approved two CAISO measures and endorsed a third to improve reliability, mitigate capacity shortfalls.
Western EIM Questions Performance in Shortfalls
The Western EIM Governing Body discussed CAISO’s summer energy shortfalls, pondering how the EIM could better serve participants during system stress.
Heat Waves Spur Record EIM Benefits
Benefits for participants in CAISO’s EIM surged past $119 million in the third quarter, a record amount driven by heat waves in Aug. and Sept.
Solid Support for EIM Joint Authority Plan
EIM stakeholders broadly support a proposal that would expand the Governing Body’s approval authority and grant it a “more collaborative” relationship with CAISO’s board.
Heat Waves, Blackouts Slow Western EIM Expansion
Heat waves and capacity shortfalls have slowed an effort by the Western EIM to expand from a real-time interstate trading forum to a day-ahead market.
Western EIM Governing Body Hears COVID-19 Updates
The pandemic has curtailed electricity demand and made it challenging for new entities to go live with the Western EIM, but recent activations went well.
Western EIM Fills Last Board Vacancy
The EIM Governing Body approved the selection of Robert Kondziolka, formerly with Salt River Project, to fill the seat left vacant by Travis Kavulla.
EIM Entrants Cite Changing West as Motivation for Joining
CAISO’s EIM Governing Body and Regional Issues Forum heard from Modesto Irrigation District, Tacoma Power and Turlock Irrigation District.

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