February 22, 2025

EIM Regional Issues Forum

CAISO Seeks to Dispel CRR ‘Myths’ Around January Cold Snap
CAISO focused on CRRs when it served up the latest volley in the ongoing dispute over what played out on the Western grid during the January cold snap that forced Northwest utilities to import high volumes of energy to avoid blackouts.
Western Transmission Initiatives Differ on Dealing with Cost Allocation

The backers of two separate initiatives to spur development of new transmission in the West are taking different approaches on when to deal with the issue of who should pay for projects.

CAISO May Scrap Policy Catalog; Start from Scratch
CAISO is looking at scrapping a catalog of about 60 proposed policies, which include many stakeholder suggestions, saying the document has become “unwieldy” and it might be better to start over from scratch.
CAISO Board Approves EIM Governance Changes
CAISO and the EIM Governing Body approved changes to the EIM’s governance structure involving the selection of body members and stakeholder engagement.
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CAISO Retiring, Incoming CEOs Field Questions
CAISO's outgoing and incoming CEOs answered stakeholder questions in a roundtable discussion hosted by the EIM’s Regional Issues Forum.
Manmade Methane Could Replace Natural Gas, Backers say
Backers of manufactured methane say it could replace natural gas and help California meet its goal of 100% carbon neutrality by midcentury.
Western EIM Governing Body Hears COVID-19 Updates
The pandemic has curtailed electricity demand and made it challenging for new entities to go live with the Western EIM, but recent activations went well.
Why 4 Colorado Utilities Joined CAISO EIM, not SPP WEIS
Four Colorado utilities decided to join CAISO’s Energy Imbalance Market instead of SPP’s Western Energy Imbalance Service because of the economic benefits.
EIM Stakeholders Cool to Transmission Feasibility Rules
EIM stakeholders reacted coolly to a proposal by Utah’s Deseret Power Electric Cooperative to tighten the market’s rules on transmission feasibility.
EIM Entrants Cite Changing West as Motivation for Joining
CAISO’s EIM Governing Body and Regional Issues Forum heard from Modesto Irrigation District, Tacoma Power and Turlock Irrigation District.

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