MISO is circulating a cost allocation plan that would lower voltage thresholds but raise cost minimums on economically beneficial transmission projects.
MISO and PJM will have 65 days to evaluate the impact of generator retirements under joint operating agreement language drafted to comply with FERC.
At last week's MISO Planning Advisory Committee, stakeholders predicted that the proposed changes to the interconnection queue will face challenges at FERC.
MISO told their Planning Subcommittee that it's working to coordinate its generator retirement studies with PJM without changing the RTOs’ Tariffs.
The PUCT granted ERCOT and SPP a 5-week extension before reporting back on how they'll study Lubbock Power & Light’s move to ERCOT.
The SPP Seams Steering Committee can expect to soon see a final scope of the next planned joint transmission study with MISO.
The MISO Planning Subcommittee released a work plan detailing how it and PJM will use the next six months to improve coordination of generation retirements.
MISO and the SPP Seams Steering Committee have ended months of uncertainty by agreeing to a second joint system study.
MISO presented a plan to address FERC’s order (a response to a NIPSCO complaint) in an ongoing dispute over its seam with PJM.
SPP’s Seams Steering Committee considered whether it might find some relief in a recent FERC order related to the MISO-PJM seam.
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