February 23, 2025


PJM May Compress BRA Schedule over MOPR
PJM may compress the schedule for the delayed 2022/23 Base Residual Auction and subsequent auctions in response to FERC’s order expanding the MOPR.
Glick Warns Capacity Rules Putting RTOs ‘in Peril’
FERC Commissioner Richard Glick said he thinks the commission needs to revisit capacity markets or risk putting “in peril the future of RTOs in general.”
MOPR Ruling Threatens to Upend Self-supply Model
ODEC and other self-supply load-serving entities in PJM argue FERC's order to expand the MOPR will undermine their roles in local economic development.
Is Self-supply Suppressing Prices?
Has FERC made a case that cooperatives, municipal utilities and vertically integrated utilities that self-supply suppress capacity prices?
PJM: Carbon Pricing the Answer to Subsidy Dispute
A PJM official urged officials to embrace carbon pricing rather than exit the capacity market in response to FERC expanding the minimum offer price rule.
PJM Industrials Challenge MOPR for Voluntary RECs
PJM industrial customers said buying and selling RECs shouldn’t count as subsidies in the capacity market, urging FERC to reconsider its definition.
FERC Extends PJM MOPR to State Subsidies
FERC voted 2-1 to extend PJM’s MOPR to all new state-subsidized resources, saying it was needed to combat price suppression in the RTO’s capacity market.
Glick Recusal May Mean No MOPR Ruling Before December
FERC may be unable to issue a ruling on PJM's capacity market rules before December, further complicating matters for the RTO and market participants.
Exelon: Market Flaws Threaten Ill. Carbon Policy
Exelon officials told investors that Illinois’ transition toward 100% carbon-free power can’t succeed without PJM market reforms.
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Capacity Market Sellers Anxious over Uncertain PJM Auction Rules
Capacity market sellers expressed anxiety over PJM’s “parallel path” for its upcoming Base Residual Auction, urging staff to consider delaying the auction until FERC clarifies the minimum offer price rule.

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