PJM failed to comply with FERC’s conditions for exempting “immediate need” transmission projects from competition and must increase its transparency.
Transmission owners defended PJM’s, ISO-NE’s and SPP’s immediate-need reliability projects while states said they are frustrating FERC Order 1000’s intent.
ISO-NE kicks off 2020 with a key deadline looming to file its Energy Security Improvements program to address winter fuel security concerns.
NEPOOL focused on how to apply transmission charges to a storage resource when it is charging for later resale and not providing a service.
The NEPOOL Participants Committee approved ISO-NE’s proposed installed capacity requirement calculations for Forward Capacity Auction 14.
PJM, ISO-NE and SPP appear to be thwarting Order 1000’s intent to open transmission projects to competition by abusing the “immediate need” exemption.
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