Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Top leaders from Washington, D.C. and energy trade groups gathered in person for the U.S. Energy Association's Annual State of the Energy Industry Forum.
Scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have created a nuclear fusion reaction that for the first time produced a net energy gain.
The New York Power Authority reported success in a hydrogen-natural gas hybrid demonstration project at a 45-MW power plant it operates on Long Island.
In attempting to increase grid capacity and renewables, FERC's transmission NOPR is pushing the wrong set of technologies, contends columnist Steve Huntoon.
By 2050 the U.S. could have anywhere from 2 to 329 GW of nuclear power in its generation mix, according to a report from the Electric Power Research Institute.
Last year's events in Texas, and the growth of renewables on New England's grid, have ISO-NE and states looking at weather more closely than ever.
U.S. carbon emissions were up last year, but EPRI executives were optimistic about the country’s ability to cut its greenhouse gas emissions 50% by 2030.
Panelists at the National Association of Regulated Utility Commissioners' annual meeting said requiring documentation of software's origins may be tricky.
Orderinchaos, CC BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia
The World Economic Forum, in collaboration with consultancy Accenture and EPRI, launched a new initiative to transition industrial clusters to net zero.
PacifiCorp will receive $6.42 million in Department of Energy funding for a “connected communities” pilot project in Utah, one of 10 projects nationwide.
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