Electric Power Supply Association (EPSA)
FERC reaffirmed the authority of PJM’s Monitor to file complaints against the RTO over fuel-cost policies, dismissing concerns about conflicts of interest.
State regulators, utilities and public power groups asked an appeals court to overturn part of FERC’s landmark rule on energy storage.
The U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear challenges to Illinois’ and New York’s nuclear subsidies, leaving standing appellate court rulings.
Merchant generators’ Hail Mary pass for a U.S. Supreme Court review of Illinois and New York nuclear subsidies has won support from PJM’s Independent Market Monitor and others.
Several power producers joined the Electric Power Supply Association in petitioning the U.S. Supreme Court to review appellate court rulings upholding the New York and Illinois zero-emission credit programs.
Illinois’ nuclear generation subsidies do not interfere with FERC-regulated wholesale power markets, the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled.
Defenders of the Illinois nuclear subsidy program faced harsh questioning from a judge skeptical that it avoids federal pre-emption concerns.
FERC approved the NYISO tariff revisions to implement a new reliability-must-run program but directed the RTO to make further revisions to its plan.
Following FERC’s technical conference on tensions between wholesale electric markets and policy initiatives, the commission invited comments on five paths.
Independent power producers filed a federal suit challenging Illinois’ zero-emission credits for Exelon’s Quad Cities and Clinton nuclear plants.
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