Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT)
ERCOT has filed to finance $2.9 billion in market debt stemming from high-priced market transactions during February’s devastating winter storm.
Major transmission construction will help the grid tolerate increasingly severe weather, panelists said at a recent ACORE webinar.
Texas PUC staff and ERCOT staff have been "living on coffee and anger" as they work together to redesign the state's deregulated market.
ERCOT has released a 60-point roadmap designed to improve the Texas Interconnection’s reliability and resource adequacy.
The Texas Public Utility Commission’s rookie electric utility regulators last week stood in front of the proverbial fire hose, wielded by ERCOT staff, market participants and the grid’s Independent Market Monitor, as they try to get a grip on how best to respond to February’s disastrous winter storm. In what the PUC billed as the …
Continue reading "PUC Debates Answers to ERCOT’s Reliability Issues"
ERCOT stakeholders approved a binding document revision that codifies the grid operator’s plans to deploy more operating reserves to ensure summer readiness.
The Texas PUC has ordered ERCOT to waive its protocols and disclose generator-outage data three days after an outage, rather than the standard 60 days.
According to a report from the External Market Monitor, energy prices and uplift costs in ISO-NE are higher compared to other RTO markets.
ERCOT stakeholders have endorsed the first system changes addressing system changes stemming from the winter weather that almost shut down the Texas grid.
Texans responding to ERCOT's call for conservation helped the embattled grid operator survive another week of tight conditions.
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