January 23, 2025

Electricity Information Sharing and Analysis Center (E-ISAC)

Biden Directs Federal Cybersecurity Overhaul
In response to the ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline, President Biden ordered a number of new mandates for CISA to improve cybersecurity preparedness.
Jno Skinner, CC BY-4.0, via Wikimedia
NERC Provides Cold Weather, Cyber Updates
NERC's CEO said that his organization thinks more work will be needed to prepare the bulk power system for extreme winter events, even with Project 2019-06.
NERC Touts Progress During ‘Extraordinary’ 2020
In its annual report, NERC applauded the ERO Enterprise for advancing the reliability and security of the power grid during an “extraordinary" year.
FBI Sees No Rest from Cyber Battles in 2021
Foreign adversaries are honing their cyber threat strategies against the North American bulk power system, cybersecurity experts told the MRO.
NERC Files ROP Changes with FERC
NERC completed the second of two compliance filings directed by FERC earlier this year, detailing changes to its Rules of Procedure.
No Further Deferments for NERC Standards
NERC CEO Jim Robb said the ERO will not request further delays for seven standards that were deferred earlier this year.
Industry Seeks Clarity on Supply Chain Orders
Efforts to ensure the security of the BPS run the risk of hampering utilities’ ability to operate effectively, representatives warned at NARUC’s Summer Policy Summit.
NERC Clarifies Audits, E-ISAC in Filing
NERC provided FERC with information about its oversight of regional entities and the role of the E-ISAC in developing reliability standards.
NERC Seeks Comments on Proposed ROP Changes
NERC is seeking comments through July 10 on proposed changes to its Rules of Procedures that were ordered by FERC earlier this year.
FERC Extends NERC Compliance Filing Deadline Again
FERC granted NERC another extension on the deadline for two compliance filings so the organization can focus on its response to COVID-19.

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