February 23, 2025

Elliot Mainzer

CAISO Proposes Interconnection Queue Process Overhaul
A new CAISO stakeholder initiative aims to overhaul its interconnection process to deal with a flood of requests to connect renewable resources and storage.
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EBA Addresses ‘Zeitgeist’ of Western Regionalization
The Energy Bar Association Western Chapter heard panelists and CAISO's CEO discuss rapidly evolving efforts to organize markets and an RA program in the West.
CAISO Sends Regionalization Report to Lawmakers
CAISO sent the California Legislature a summary of recent studies of Western regionalization, information intended to aid discussion of the ISO becoming an RTO.
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CAISO CEO Lauds Transmission Planning Agreement
The California PUC, Energy Commission and CAISO signed an agreement that will help make CAISO's transmission planning more proactive, CEO Elliot Mainzer said.
California Assembly
Plans Revive to Make CAISO a Western RTO
A new legislative push for multi-state CAISO governance and the ISO's drive to add an extended day ahead market top this year's agenda.
PacifiCorp to Join EDAM, Final Plan Released
CAISO issued its final plan to add a day-ahead market to its real-time Energy Imbalance Market, and PacifiCorp said it would join if the plan is approved.
Western Energy Leaders Explore Grid Integration
Energy leaders from California and other Western states met in a workshop to explore the benefits of developing regional markets, including one or more RTOs.
California Runs on Fumes but Avoids Blackouts
CAISO came dangerously close to ordering rotating outages Tuesdas demand hit a record high, but it managed to scrape by thanks to conservation efforts.
National Weather Service
CAISO Warns of Outages amid Record Heat
CAISO CEO Elliot Mainzer warned that this week poses the greatest risk of rolling outages this summer as record heat engulfs large parts of California.
Washington State Department of Transportation
Heat, Fire and Supply Chain Woes Threaten California Reliability
Extreme weather, wildfires and supply-chain problems could make CAISO’s grid vulnerable to shortfalls of up to 10 GW through 2025, experts said.

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