February 23, 2025

Empire District Electric Co.

FERC Briefs: Orders Addressing Arguments Raised on Rehearing
A summary of FERC orders explaining why it denied rehearing request, which are automatically deemed denied unless the commission acts within 30 days.
Missouri PSC Looks at IOUs’ RTO Membership
The Missouri PSC is investigating whether the state’s investor-owned utilities’ continued RTO membership “is in the ratepayers’ best interest.”
FERC OKs Basin Electric’s Market-based Rates
FERC approved Basin Electric Power Cooperative’s request to make wholesale sales of energy, capacity and ancillary services at market-based rates.
Canada’s Algonquin Power to Buy Missouri’s Empire District
Canada’s Algonquin Power & Utilities has agreed to purchase The Empire District Electric Co. for $2.4 billion.

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