Energy Imbalance Market (EIM)
PJM is leaving the door open to developing an organized electric market in the Western Interconnection, despite the downfall of Peak Reliability.
CAISO EIM officials approved a proposal to prevent market participants outside Ca. from skirting the state’s greenhouse gas (GHG) compliance obligations.
Powerex is navigating a turbulent relationship with EIM rules the company says undercut the value of its hydro power resources.
CAISO’s first-quarter (Q1) revenues were $1.2 million more than it had budgeted, primarily because of entrance fees it collected for the EIM.
Western Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) leaders on Tuesday approved rule changes that would allow EIM balancing areas to manually adjust load forecasts during market operations to ensure the grid can support system conditions.
Grid Operators for the three RTOs vying to organize Western electricity markets faced off before an audience of utility regulators in what one state commissioner billed a “beauty pageant.”
CAISO provided details on its plans for major changes to improve the alignment of its day-ahead market with real-time demand.
Idaho Power and Powerex began transacting in the EIM, bringing to eight the number of members participating in CAISO’s regional real-time market.
ACORE'S 15th Renewable Energy Policy Forum brought regulators, federal officials, investors and others for discussions in D.C.
CAISO's Extended Day-Ahead Market proposal could be done without the political entanglements involved with an RTO, Sarah Edmonds said.
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