February 24, 2025

Energy Imbalance Market (EIM)

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EIM Governing Body Approves CAISO Bidding Flexibility
Western Energy Imbalance Market leaders endorsed CAISO’s controversial proposal to give generators more bidding flexibility.
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EIM Body Tables Nominating Process Changes
The Energy Imbalance Market Governing Body rejected the CAISO move to change how members of the panel are nominated.
CAISO Players Urge Action on RMR, Other Topics
CAISO market participants have many opinions on how the ISO should prioritize the complex and urgent tasks on the ISO’s plate for 2018.
CAISO Bid for Western RTO to Face Competition in 2018
The Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) expanded its footprint and ambitions in 2017 while new suitors lined up to compete with CAISO as the vehicle for a Western RTO.
CAISO 2030 Vision Gets Mixed Reviews
Operators of traditional resources say the Vision 2030 paper drifts outside CAISO’s purpose of assuring reliability and managing markets.
CAISO Board OKs New Generator Rules, Budget
CAISO’s Board of Governors approved new generator contingency modeling, rules extending time for generator interconnections and EIM enhancements.
CAISO Plan Extends Day-Ahead Market to EIM
CAISO is floating a proposal that would extend many of the features of its day-ahead market into the footprint of the EIM.
California Governor's Office of Emergency Services
Thumbs Up/Down for CAISO Gas Constraint Measures
FERC approved CAISO’s request to extend temporary market measures instituted last year in response to the closure of Aliso Canyon.
FERC Affirms WestConnect Cost Allocation Ruling
FERC upheld a previous ruling covering Order 1000 cost allocation in the WestConnect planning region, adding further explanation of its reasoning.
PacifiCorp, NV Energy Gain EIM Market-Based Rate Authority
PacifiCorp and NV Energy can sell power into the Western Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) at market-based rates, FERC has ruled.

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