Entergy Corp.
NextEra Energy Transmission and the Southern Renewable Energy Association are asking FERC to intervene in a last-ditch effect to save the only competitive transmission project ever approved for MISO South.
Texas regulators have cited the state's right of first refusal law in denying Grid United’s request to build a link between ERCOT and the West.
CenterPoint Energy plans to increase its 10-year capital plan to $43 billion through 2030, focusing on additional investments in grid reliability and modernization.
Federal judges ordered FERC to explain why state regulators' complaints against Entergy have been pending for up to six years.
New Orleans city council and the Ark. and La. PSCs filed an emergency motion after an Entergy press release claimed it owed no additional refunds to ratepayers.
Entergy’s operating companies have mounted a campaign at the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to override FERC’s rejection of MISO’s minimum capacity obligation.
Entergy has released more ambitious 2030 benchmarks on the road to its goal of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by midcentury.
Entergy says it has borrowed from Florida in ensuring its $15 billion, 10-year accelerated resilience plan will upgrade its system against future storm damage.
Entergy will have to pay SERC $60,000 in penalties for violating NERC reliability standards, according to a Spreadsheet Notice of Penalty for September.
Entergy countered claims recently made to FERC that it is purposefully undermining transmission planning in MISO South.
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