environmental impact statement (EIS)

SACE Urges FERC Inquiry into Proposed TVA Gas Plant
The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy advised FERC that TVA’s justification of a new gas plant construction is faulty, urging FERC to make its own assessment.
Ocean Wind 2021
BOEM DEIS Sparks Sharp Divide on NJ OSW Project
The draft EIS by BOEM on New Jersey’s first offshore wind project, Ocean Wind 1, drew more than 50 speakers at two hearings this month.
Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee
Barrasso Prods FERC on Pipelines, SEEM
Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) called on FERC to speed up action on several matters, including pipelines and the Southeast Energy Exchange Market.
Nantucket Residents File Lawsuit Against BOEM to Protect North Atlantic Right Whale
Nantucket residents want to halt development of offshore wind within a “nexus of activity” for the critically endangered North Atlantic Right Whale.
Feds Look at Fishery Habitat Protection for South Fork OSW Project
Federal regulators recommended the 132-MW South Fork offshore wind protect fishery habitat by reducing the number of planned turbine locations.
Vineyard Wind
BOEM Advances Permitting for Connecticut’s Largest OSW Project
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has moved the Park City Wind project ahead to environmental review.
BOEM Preparing for Offshore Wind Surge
BOEM is looking for manpower and increased efficiencies to handle the offshore wind permit applications expected, an official told Reuters.
NJ’s Offshore Wind Project Faces Criticism, Support
New Jersey’s 1,100-MW offshore Ocean Wind project garnered mixed responses at three public hearings by the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.
Kauai Solar + Pumped Hydro Project Raises Questions
A solar plus pumped hydro storage project proposed by the Kauai Island Utility Cooperative could produce a quarter of the island’s energy requirements.
BOEM Sees Moderate Impacts from South Fork OSW Project
The South Fork Wind Project will have negligible to moderate environmental impacts according to a draft environmental impact statement issued by BOEM.

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