February 23, 2025


PJM Content with IMM Role after Fuel-cost Policy Ruling
PJM has backed off its suggestions that FERC revisit Order 719 and the relationship between RTOs and their Market Monitors.
Another Win for PJM Monitor on Fuel-cost Policies
FERC reaffirmed the authority of PJM’s Monitor to file complaints against the RTO over fuel-cost policies, dismissing concerns about conflicts of interest.
PJM MRC Preview: May 30, 2019
A summary of the issues scheduled to be brought to a vote at the PJM Markets and Reliability Committee on May 30, along with readings and discussion issues.
FERC Upholds PJM Monitor’s Right to Protest Fuel-cost Policies
FERC said the Independent Market Monitor’s filing of complaints regarding PJM’s fuel-cost policies doesn’t violate Tariff conditions or commission rulings.
FERC: AEP Must Divulge Plant Data to PJM IMM
AEP must provide PJM’s Independent Market Monitor (IMM) with requested cost data for a gas-fired plant the company owns in West Virginia, FERC ruled Tuesday.
FERC Seeks More Details on PJM Fuel-Cost Policy Proposal
FERC accepted the PJM compliance filing on its fuel-cost policies for generating units but required the RTO to make another compliance filing.
FERC Rejects $400,000 Fuel Bill from Dominion
FERC rejected Dominion Resources’ request to recover almost $400,000 in uncompensated costs incurred when it ran four dual-fuel units on fuel oil.
PJM Market Implementation Committee Briefs
After months of debate, PJM’s Manual 15 revisions on fuel-cost policies and hourly offers won the approval of the Market Implementation Committee.
PJM Attempting to Usurp Market Mitigation Role, Monitor Says
PJM is trying to usurp the IMM’s authority to regulate fuel-cost policies and consequently increasing market participants’ ability to exercise market power, the Monitor argued in a protest.
PJM Market Implementation Committee Briefs
PJM will try again next month to gain stakeholder approval for codifying several generator operating parameters after a Market Implementation Committee discussion led to last-minute changes.

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