February 23, 2025


FERC Endorses Previously OK’d PJM Aggregation Rules
FERC has given an unconditional thumbs-up to resource-aggregation rules for PJM that staff conditionally approved last year when the commission lacked a quorum.
PJM Outlines Aggregation Rules for Upcoming Capacity Auction
PJM staff detailed how the new rules for aggregating seasonal resources will be implemented in May’s Base Residual Auction.
FERC Staff OKs PJM Aggregation, DR Rules; Refunds Possible
FERC staff have greenlit PJM’s proposed Tariff revisions to allow increased participation from seasonal resources.
FERC Wants More Detail on PJM’s Seasonal Capacity Plan
FERC has issued a deficiency notice requesting more information from PJM on its proposal to incorporate more seasonal resources under Capacity Performance.
Stakeholder Soapbox: The Case for Seasonal Resources in PJM
Rockland Electric argues that the PJM proposal to allow aggregation of seasonal resources won't help demand response and solar resources.
PJM Stakeholders Reject CP Rule Changes, OK Additional Study
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee rejected two proposals members said threatened the Capacity Performance construct, but approved two others.

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