Eversource Energy
Vermont DPS Commissioner June Tierney says ISO-NE must “achieve reliability, fueled by renewability with a keen eye on affordability.”
The recent rejection of the New England Clean Energy Connect transmission line was a top concern for attendees at NECBC's Executive Energy Conference.
Eversource warned that customers will likely see a spike in their bills this winter compared to last year’s, as natural gas prices surge nationwide.
The ISO-NE PAC received a project list update for the Regional System Plan that included 12 new projects to resolve thermal overloads and voltage violations.
Ramontxotx, CC BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia
Sen. Michael Barrett says that “from a legislative view, there is no one focused on responsibility” for the role Mass Save plays in electrification.
Connecticut's Supreme Court upheld a lower court decision to approve a new gas-fired power plant, dismissing a local environmental group’s complaint.
State solicitations have helped lower offshore wind prices, but DEEP Commissioner Katie Dykes says the next challenge for the sector is transmission.
A group of policy experts and consumer advocates want Eversource and National Grid to consider providing deeper incentives for off-peak EV charging.
Rob-Summers, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Zeyneb Magavi with Home Energy Efficiency Team says the new lower rates for National Grid’s proposed geothermal project are a “big win.”
Dominion will use the Portsmouth Marine Terminal for staging and pre-assembly of the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind project foundations and turbines.
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