February 22, 2025

FCA 10

NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: May 11, 2021
ISO-NE’s winter wholesale market costs totaled $2.33 billion, a 31% increase from the previous winter driven by higher energy costs.
ISO-NE Asks FERC to End Clear River CSO
ISO-NE asked FERC to terminate the capacity supply obligation of the Invenergy Clear River Energy Center Unit 1 combined cycle plant in Burrillville, R.I.
ISO-NE Capacity Requirement Shows Flat Demand, More Solar
The installed capacity requirement ISO-NE filed with FERC shows a continuing trend of declining load growth and a greater reliance on behind-the-meter solar.
ISO-NE Auction Rehearing Requests Denied
FERC rejected requests for rehearing of its order accepting the results of the ISO-NE 10th Forward Capacity Auction.
ISO-NE Again Defends Capacity Auctions
ISO-NE CEO Gordon van Welie last week again defended the RTO’s capacity auctions to congressmen who say market practices have led to inflated electricity rates for New England ratepayers.
ISO-NE, NEPOOL Oppose Demand Curve Change
NEPOOL joined ISO-NE in asking FERC to reject a request by generators to force the RTO to develop a zonal sloped demand curve design for FCA 10 in February.
NEPGA: Order Sloped Demand Curve in FCA 10
NEPGA says ISO-NE should adhere to a planned change to a sloped demand curve in the next Forward Capacity Auction.

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