September 8, 2024

February 2021 winter storm

David Kitto, CC0 1.0 Universal, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC Black Start Report Pushes Gas-electric Coordination
A report by FERC, NERC and Texas RE focused on the risk of natural gas disruptions to utilities' black-start restoration plans.
Texas Public Utility Commission
McAdams Honored During Last Texas PUC Meeting
Texas PUC Commissioner Will McAdams has made good on his intention to resign by year’s end, having sat through his last open meeting.
NERC Board May Force Action on Cold Weather Standard

If NERC’s latest proposed cold weather standard fails another ballot round, the ERO’s Board of Trustees may have to take matters into its own hands, Chair Ken DeFontes warned at the board’s quarterly meeting.

FERC Enforcement Report Details One Closed Probe into Winter Storm Uri
FERC's latest enforcement report detailed one closed investigation into manipulation during Winter Storm Uri, but other nonpublic probes continue.
Admin Monitor
Texas PUC OKs Smaller Budget, Admin Fee Increases for ERCOT
The Texas PUC rejected ERCOT’s proposed budget and administration fee increase, agreeing instead to more incremental growth in its revenues.
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NERC Board Approves Cold Weather Standards
NERC's Board of Trustees accepted the latest proposed cold weather standards, which will now be sent to FERC for final approval.
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Texas High Court to Review Decision on Uri Charges
The Texas Supreme Court will review a lower court ruling on the Public Utility Commission’s emergency pricing orders during the deadly 2021 winter storm, potentially placing billions of dollars at stake.
NAESB Forum Chairs Push for Gas Reliability Organization
The chairs of NAESB's forum on gas-electric harmonization said significant reforms may be needed to bring the two industries into alignment.
Industry Cool on Revised Winter Weather Standard

The team revising NERC’s cold weather standard has more work ahead after industry respondents put the freeze on their latest proposed revisions with a negative segment-weighted vote of more than 56%.

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Overheard at NARUC Summer Policy Summit 2023
NARUC's annual Summer Policy Summit attracted more than 1,000 attendees for discussions on understanding and preparing for the challenges that lie ahead.

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