September 28, 2024

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)

FERC Sets Dynegy’s MISO Market Manipulation Case for Hearing
Nearly a decade after the MISO capacity auction in which Dynegy was found to have manipulated clearing prices, FERC has directed hearing and settlement procedures in the case.
Western Power Pool
FERC Allows Berkshire Utilities to Earn Market-based Rates in WRAP
FERC approved tariff revisions by Berkshire Hathaway Energy subsidiaries PacifiCorp, Nevada Power and Sierra Pacific Power that will enable the utilities to earn market-based rates when participating in the WRAP.
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FERC Chair: States not Benefiting from Grid Projects Won’t Pay — Period
Speaking at the Exelon Innovation Expo, Phillips stressed FERC Order 1920's innovative approach to long-term planning for regional transmission, with a focus on reliability, affordability and sustainability. 
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FERC Nominees Set for a Quick Floor Vote as Schumer Files Cloture
President Joe Biden’s three nominees to FERC are set for a floor vote as soon as next week with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) filing cloture on them. 
National Grid Renewables
MISO: New Interconnection Queue Cycle to Wait on MW Cap Filing
MISO said new queue entries must wait while it takes another swing at imposing an annual megawatt cap on its interconnection queue.
FERC OKs MISO Settlement Rules for Widespread Tx Outages

FERC ruled that MISO can apply new settlement practices to generators physically disconnected from the grid during extensive transmission outages triggered by extreme events.

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Stakeholders Support ISO-NE Long-term Tx Planning Filing, with Caveats
Stakeholder groups submitted comments to FERC last week in support of ISO-NE’s proposal to create a new longer-term transmission planning process to facilitate more forward-looking transmission investments to meet looming needs.
Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee
Senate Energy Committee Advances Biden’s FERC Nominees
The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee advanced all three of President Joe Biden’s nominees to FERC with broad margins in a business meeting.
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Monitor Alleges EE Resources Ineligible to Participate in PJM Capacity Market
PJM's Independent Market Monitor filed a complaint asking FERC to reject all energy efficiency offers into the RTO's capacity market, alleging none of them meet the Base Residual Auction participation requirements.
Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority
FERC Approves SPP’s Cost-allocation Revisions
FERC accepted SPP tariff revisions that will allow certain transmission facilities’ costs to be entirely allocated on a regional postage-stamp and cost-by-cost basis.

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