January 23, 2025

FERC Order 1000

NEPOOL Transmission Committee Briefs: Dec. 17, 2019
NEPOOL focused on how to apply transmission charges to a storage resource when it is charging for later resale and not providing a service.
ISO-NE Issues First Competitive Tx RFP
ISO-NE announced its first competitive transmission solicitation to address concerns associated with the retirement of the Mystic Generating Station.
PJM TOs Challenge Monitor’s Competitive Tx Role
PJM stakeholders endorsed manual language that memorializes the Monitor’s role in analyzing competitive transmission proposals, but not before protests.
FERC approved Tariff revisions refining ISO-NE’s rules for conducting competitive transmission solicitations, a process that may be tested this month.
PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: Nov. 14, 2019
PJM wants to sunset the Distributed Energy Resources Ride Through Task Force after saying its work considering a default standard is done.
Anbaric Development Partners
Anbaric Seeks FERC Help on OSW Tx
Anbaric asked FERC to order PJM to allow offshore developers “platforms” to obtain injection rights, saying a Tariff violates open access requirements.
At International Tx Summit, Interstate Challenges the Focus
Though it was hosted at the Canadian Embassy, the talks at the International Transmission Summit centered on interregional transmission lines in the U.S.
Overheard at EnVision Forum
The EnVision Forum by FERC and the University of Kentucky’s Center for Applied Energy Research featured discussions on storage, markets and transmission.
FERC to Probe Order 1000 Competition Exemptions
PJM, ISO-NE and SPP appear to be thwarting Order 1000’s intent to open transmission projects to competition by abusing the “immediate need” exemption.
Transmission Developer Calls for Closer Look at NorthernGrid
A proposed merger of two Northwest transmission planning groups into NorthernGrid has won over state regulators, but LS Power wants a FERC tech conference.

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