FERC Order 679
FERC’s request for comments on transmission incentives produced splits between transmission owners and load interests, as well as calls for new policies.
FERC will seek comments on how it could improve its transmission incentives and return on equity policies under two Notices of Inquiry.
FERC authorized NextEra Energy Transmission Midwest to recover all “prudently incurred” costs related to the Hartburg-Sabine Junction 500-kV project.
FERC reduced the return on equity adders previously granted to ITC Holdings subsidiaries for being independent, standalone transmission providers.
FERC instructed Pacific Gas and Electric and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to brief it on whether Cal. law allows PG&E to quit CAISO.
FERC granted GridLiance West incentive rate treatments for upgrades to a Nevada transmission line that connects to the CAISO grid.
New York transmission owners will be eligible for full cost recovery when regulated backstop solution reliability projects are canceled, FERC said.
The 9th Circuit challenged FERC's decisions allowing PG&E to include a CAISO participation adder in its transmission rates.
FERC ordered hearing and settlement proceedings on Southern California Edison’s proposal to revise its transmission formula rate.
FERC rejected an argument by the California PUC (CPUC) that it erred last year in allowing PG&E to include a 50-basis-point ISO participation adder.
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