October 5, 2024

Forward Capacity Auction (FCA)

FCA 15 Closes with Big Jumps in Clearing Prices
ISO-NE’s 15th annual Forward Capacity Auction cleared with prices ranging from $2.48/kW-month to $3.98/kW-month.
NEPOOL MC Supports Changes to End Price Locks
NEPOOL’s Markets Committee recommend the Participants Committee support tariff changes that would prevent resources from locking in prices for seven years.
FERC Orders End to ISO-NE Capacity Price Locks
FERC ordered ISO-NE to remove its new-entrant rules for its capacity market, preventing resources from being allowed to lock in their prices.
FERC Defends CASPR Order
FERC defended its CASPR order, which permitted ISO-NE to create a 2-stage capacity auction to accommodate state renewable energy procurements
ISO-NE Capacity Prices Hit Record Low
ISO-NE's 2020 Forward Capacity Auction cleared at a record low of $2/kW-month, a nearly 50% drop from the $3.80/kW-month in 2019.
Deposit Rule OK’d for New ISO-NE Capacity
ISO-NE will apply different deposit rules on new capacity resources for Forward Capacity Auction 14 under a proposal approved by FERC.
Supply Side not Buying ISO-NE’s ICR Numbers
NEPOOL’s Reliability Committee did not endorse ISO-NE’s installed capacity requirement values, as the Generation and Supplier sectors voted in opposition.
ISO-NE Filing, Whitepaper Address Energy Security
A ISO-NE whitepaper attempts to chart a course for the RTO to develop new market-based solutions to overcome New England’s energy security challenges.
ISO-NE Installed Capacity Requirement Filing Approved
FERC approved ISO-NE’s proposed values for the Installed Capacity Requirement, capability credits and related values in time for the capacity auction.
D.C. Circuit Dismisses Union Challenges to FCA Results
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed claims that FERC had failed to consider the effects of the closure of Brayton Point on ISO-NE’s FCA 9 and 10.

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