February 23, 2025

Forward Capacity Market (FCM)

Sunrun’s Virtual Plant Sees Success in ISO-NE Capacity Market
Sunrun is calling its first year in the ISO-NE capacity market a success after sending more than 1.8 GWh of energy back to the New England grid.
Fletcher, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC Investigation Faults ISO-NE in Capacity Market Fraud
ISO-NE violated its tariff in its handling of construction delays at a Boston-area generating plant, FERC said, slapping the RTO with a $500,000 fine.
© RTO Insider LLC
ISO-NE Weighs in on FERC’s Proposed Interconnection Changes
ISO-NE repeated a familiar refrain in its initial take on FERC’s interconnection NOPR: give us flexibility and make sure our region’s needs can be met.
FERC Fines CPower $2.5M over ISO-NE Capacity Payments
CPower has agreed to a $2.5 million penalty after FERC's enforcement division found the company took capacity payments in violation of ISO-NE rules.
ISO-NE Wants to Hike its Budget by 10% in 2023
ISO-NE is proposing a roughly 10% increase in its operating budget for 2023 and the addition of more than 50 employees over the next two years.
NRDC: Early Worries About ISO-NE’s Capacity Accreditation Approach
NRDC argued that ISO-NE’s preferred method of measuring marginal reliability impact risks under-valuing some components of clean energy resources.
COOKFOX Architects
Developer in ISO-NE Hit with FERC Fine for Capacity Market Fraud
The company behind a Massachusetts gas plant agrees to pay a $17 million penalty and hand back $26 million in profits after FERC found that it misled ISO-NE.
Fletcher, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC Investigating ISO-NE over Gas Plant’s Alleged Capacity Market Fraud
FERC is investigating ISO-NE’s role in alleged fraud by a project developer taking part in the RTO’s capacity market, the grid operator disclosed.
ISO-NE Starts its Capacity Accreditation Journey
ISO-NE is leaning toward a marginal approach to resource capacity accreditation, but there's a year of stakeholder discussions ahead.
Clean Energy Group
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: May 10, 2022
The NEPOOL MC discussed changes to the frequency of FCM parameter recalculations, the continuous storage facility model and cybersecurity reporting.

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