February 23, 2025

generator interconnection agreement (GIA)

Alliant Energy
MISO Sticks with MW Caps, Higher Fees to Pare Down Queue Requests
MISO says it will file in October to put stronger obligations and more monetary risk on queue entry to weed out speculative generation projects and take pressure off its overcrowded interconnection queue.
DTE Energy
MISO Aims for Manageable Interconnection Queue
MISO proposes megawatt limits on annual project proposals, tripled entry fees and escalating penalty charges in its quest to oust speculative projects and lighten its gridlocked interconnection queue.
© RTO Insider LLC
MISO Awaiting Construction on 40 GW of Approved New Resources
MISO membership and executives last week discussed how to hasten the construction of more than 40 GW of generation projects that have permission to connect to the grid but haven’t been built.
NextEra Energy Resources
FERC Accepts SPP’s Unexecuted FSA with Ponderosa
FERC accepted an unexecuted facilities service agreement between SPP, Southwestern Public Service and Ponderosa Wind, finding it to be just and reasonable.
Mortensen Wind Energy Group
FERC Denies Rehearing of Tenaska Curtailment Complaint
FERC denied Tenaska’s rehearing request over alleged curtailment of its Clear Creek Wind Farm, maintaining the company did not provide sufficient evidence.
Recurrent Energy
FERC Rulings Diverge on Commercial Operation Deadlines
FERC granted an Oklahoma solar project an extension of its commercial operation deadline while rejecting an Illinois wind project’s waiver request.
DTE Energy
Shorter Interconnection Queue Coming, MISO Says
MISO will make a fourth-quarter filing to slim its interconnection queue timeline from about 505 days to a single year.
MISO Closes Loophole for Late-stage Interconnection Projects
A new FERC rule says MISO interconnection customers with signed agreements can no longer abandon generation projects without assuming financial risk.
Tri-State Increases Members’ Self-supply Options
Tri-State G&T will cut rates 8% and give members more flexibility to provide their own power.
MISO Planning Advisory Comm. Briefs: Sept. 23, 2020
MISO members have recommended that the RTO’s 2020 Transmission Expansion Plan proceed to final approval in December.

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