February 23, 2025

generator interconnection agreement (GIA)

FERC Sides with MISO in Queue Design Dispute
FERC rejected EDF’s request that MISO devise a special fast-track option in its interconnection queue for projects that can demonstrate readiness.
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Renewable Gens Face Off with RTOs at Seams Tech Conference
Renewable developers sparred with transmission planners for MISO, SPP and PJM Tuesday over the RTOs' affected system studies.
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FERC Finalizes Frequency Response Requirement
New generators seeking interconnections must be equipped to provide primary frequency response, FERC ruled.
FERC Sees Discrepancies in MISO GIA Rules
FERC opened a Section 206 investigation into inconsistencies in MISO’s Tariff after re-examining the 2016 termination of a wind farm’s GIA.
FERC Blocks MISO Plan to Shorten Queue Negotiations
FERC has rejected a MISO plan to shorten the number of days allowed to customers negotiating a generator interconnection agreement.
FERC Has More Questions on Frequency Response NOPR
FERC asked for additional comments on the rule it proposed in November that all newly interconnecting generators provide primary frequency response.
Stakeholders, MISO at Odds over Resource Adequacy Survey
MISO is looking to improve its annual resource adequacy survey by expanding the scope of potential projects included.
PUCT OKs DG Rulemaking, Competition, Rate Reports
The PUCT wrapped up its 2016 open meeting schedule Friday by approving a rulemaking on interconnection agreements for distributed generation.
FERC: Renewables Must Provide Frequency Response
FERC proposed revising its pro forma GIAs to require all newly interconnecting facilities to install and enable primary frequency response capability.
MISO: Stakeholders Behind 2nd Queue Reform Attempt
MISO will file a revised set of interconnection queue changes with FERC on Oct. 21, and this time it says it has “overwhelming” stakeholder support for the changes.

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