September 30, 2024

greenhouse gas (GHG)

Drop in GHG Emissions Illusory, Advocates Warn
U.S. greenhouse gas emissions dropped by 9% in 2020, but experts say a repeat performance is unlikely.
Paris GHG Targets not Ambitious Enough, Study Says
The Paris Agreement target of cutting carbon emissions by 1% annually should be increased to 1.8%, according to a University of Washington study.
NY Considers Rulemaking for Medium to Heavy ZEVs
New York officials told stakeholders the state hopes to adopt medium- and heavy-duty zero emission vehicle standards by the end of the year.
Colo. PUC Opens Investigation into Gas Emissions
The Colorado PUC launched an investigation into the methane emissions released from natural gas infrastructure and the actions needed to reduce them.
NY Munis Forge Way for Building Decarbonization
Some local sustainability leaders in New York are making headway with the legal pathways to decarbonize their buildings and meet emission-reduction targets.
New York Proposes Food Scrap Regs to Cut Waste, Emissions
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation announced proposed regulations for large food scrap generators.
DC Circuit Rejects Trump ACE Rule
The D.C. Circuit rejected the Trump administration’s ACE Rule for regulating GHG emissions, saying EPA misconstrued the law.
State AGs Highlight Action Against Trump Admin
A new report recounts actions state attorneys general took to mitigate the Trump administration’s weakening of regulations on energy and climate.
Baker Vetoes Mass. Climate Bill
Gov. Charlie Baker vetoed a wide-ranging climate bill, saying he needed more time to scrutinize the details of the legislation and recommend changes.
Cap-and-trade Bill Emerges in Wash. Senate
A bill in the Washington State Senate would establish a cap-and-trade program to gradually limit the state’s emissions and fund decarbonization efforts.

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