September 29, 2024

greenhouse gas (GHG)

The White House
CEQ Raises Bar on GHG Analysis in NEPA Reviews
The White House Council on Environmental Quality released updated guidelines for federal agencies performing environmental reviews.
California Governor's Office
New California Energy, Climate Laws Go Live
A half dozen new climate and energy laws took effect in California on Jan. 1.
Scoping Plan ‘Sets Course’ for NY Climate Goals, Raises Questions
Questions remain about how much of the scoping plan can be implemented through agency rulemaking and what will require new legislation.
Calif. Proposes World’s ‘Most Ambitious’ Climate Goals
California regulators released an updated net zero proposal that Gov. Gavin Newsom says will unleash an "economic transformation" in the state.
A New Era for Climate Action at COP27: ‘We Will be Holding People to Account’
The 27th Conference of the Parties kicked off Sunday in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, with stirring and urgent calls to action.
Pandemic Brings ‘Historic’ Decline to California GHGs in 2020
California’s GHG emissions dropped 8.7% in 2020, a decline that’s largely due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new report.
Maryland: State Met 2020 GHG Emission Goal, but Behind on 2030
Maryland surpassed its greenhouse gas emission-reduction goal for 2020, according to the final data released by the state Department of the Environment.
Report Faults Top Firms on Emission Incentives for CEOs
Many large greenhouse gas emitters incentivize their executives insufficiently or not at all to reduce those emissions, a corporate watchdog group reported.
California Governor's Office
California Gov. Newsom Signs 40 Climate Bills
Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed six air pollution reduction measures, bringing the total of climate-related bills enacted this legislative session to 40.
US Power Plant CO2 Emissions Rise 7% in 2021, Ceres Finds
Carbon dioxide emissions by the 100 largest U.S. electric power producers increased 7% from 2020 to 2021, Ceres reported in its annual benchmarking analysis.

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