February 23, 2025

heat pumps

California governor's office
California Governor Proposes Spending $10B on EVs
Gov. Gavin Newsom's FY 21-22 budget plan proposes spending $6.1 billion more on zero-emission vehicles and $1 billion on building electrification.
NY Officials Approve Draft Climate Action Plan
New York officials on Monday approved a draft scoping plan that lays out the steps needed to achieve the emission limits set by the CLCPA.
CARB Explores Benefits, Hurdles to Decarbonizing Homes
A CARB workshop brought together experts to discuss what it will take to decarbonize California's residences.
NY Climate Action Council Focuses on Consumer Impacts
New York officials tweaked the state’s draft scoping plan on climate action to include cost/benefit and consumer impacts analyses as soon as possible.
Buildings Alliance Launches Clean Heat Initiative to Rally Nations
The Clean Heat Forum will bring countries together to shape a common vision, targets and best practices to decarbonize building heating.
Massachusetts Struggles with Plan for Leaking Gas Pipes
Legislators from the Merrimack Valley, where a series of gas explosions killed an 18-year-old, are calling for repairing pipelines instead of replacing them.
Blacks Heat Pumps
Heat Pump Market Flourishes in Maine’s LMI Communities, Official Says
Maine surpassed 75,000 total heat pumps last year and installed 28,000 in 2020 alone, according to Michael Stoddard, executive director of Efficiency Maine.
California Energy Commission Adopts 2022 Building Code
The California Energy Commission approved a major update to the state's building code, establishing new requirements for houses and business buildings.
New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development
NYSERDA: Building-by-building Heat Pump Transition isn’t Going to Cut it
NYSERDA says New York needs to move away from a building-by-building heat pump installation approach to a community approach, where practical.
Mass. Efficiency Plan Budget Misses Mark on Electrification
The draft energy efficiency plan for Mass. cuts C&I sector funding by $200 million, but the energy efficiency council wants the funds to go to electrification.

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