increment offers (INCs)

FERC Orders Review of UTC Rules
FERC ordered a review of PJM’s rules regarding up-to-congestion transactions (UTCs), saying the RTO may be discriminating in how it treats these trades.
Virtual Trading 101: INCs, DECs, UTCs
A brief primer on virtual trading: INCs, DECs and UTCs.
‘Free’ Ride Over for UTCs? – Update
Financial marketers are pleased with PJM’s proposal to change the way uplift charges are assessed on virtual trades but aren’t convinced by a PJM analysis that the RTO says justifies extending the charges to up-to congestion trades (UTCs).
“Free” Ride Over for UTCs?
PJM wants to change the way virtual trades pay for uplift, replacing the current unpredictable charges with a flat per megawatt fee and assessing them for the first time on up-to congestion trades (UTCs).

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