Independent Market Monitor (IMM)
Energy prices in PJM increased by 75.5% in the first quarter of 2022 from a year ago, the Market Monitor reported, driven primarily by higher fuel costs.
At a quarterly review of markets, MISO said an increasingly precarious load-supply balance is here to stay.
PJM energy prices last year surged to their highest levels since 2014, more than making up for declines from the pandemic-driven economic downturn in 2020.
The results of PJM’s 2022/23 Base Residual Auction were not competitive, according to a report released last week by the RTO’s Independent Market Monitor.
The NEPOOL Markets Committee will vote in January on two proposals to modify ISO-NE’s generator retirement rules.
MISO will jettison the most inexpensive step of its operating reserve demand curve, explaining that $200/MWh pricing is too low during shortage conditions.
Merchant generators joined ISO-NE’s Internal Market Monitor in warning that the RTO’s proposal to eliminate MOPR will suppress prices.
PJM’s energy prices continued to rise into the third quarter of 2021, the Independent Market Monitor reported, but they also remained competitive.
MISO last week said its Independent Market Monitor was reasonable with the four market changes he proposed in his 2020 State of the Market report.
PJM requested a rehearing and clarification of FERC’s order to replace its market seller offer cap, arguing that the new construct would prove burdensome.
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