interconnection queue
Among other actions, the PJM Markets and Reliability Committee and the Members Committee will consider endorsing various manual revisions.
CAISO dove into Track 3 of its Interconnection Process Enhancements initiative as staff and stakeholders grappled with how to solve problems related to allocating transmission plan deliverability.
Industry leaders, experts, policymakers and regulators gathered near the nation’s capital to discuss how recent FERC orders will affect regional transmission planning, cost allocation, permitting and other issues.
The CAISO board unanimously approved the ISO’s Interconnection Process Enhancements proposal, the product of more than a year of stakeholder engagement and troubleshooting.
Stakeholders are still seeking clarity on details in CAISO’s plan to streamline its interconnection process after the ISO released its final proposal to address the issue after 10 intensive months.
FERC approved CAISO’s request to forgo this year’s process for taking interconnection applications, giving the ISO more time to study last year’s record-breaking number of requests.
CAISO wants to stop taking new interconnection applications this year as it works through the “unprecedented volume” of requests submitted for the previous study period.
NYISO submitted a motion to intervene on Oxbow Hill Solar’s request to FERC for a waiver concerning interconnection procedures, saying the request could have implications for the broader market.
FERC’s revamp of its generator interconnection procedures will impose penalties on transmission providers that fail to complete studies on time.
States lag on interconnection policies, but the IREC/Vote Solar study does not recognize the work some utilities are doing to streamline the process.
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