interconnection queue
FERC granted a waiver to several renewable energy projects that allows their developers to circumvent MISO’s fee distribution.
NYISO officials said Wednesday they will begin stakeholder discussions early next year on revising the interconnection process to make it more efficient.
FERC OK'd PJM's proposal to speed up its interconnection queue by handling requests through a new clustered approach that prioritizes ready-to-build projects.
CAISO's Board of Governors approved additional interconnection enhancements to deal with the long queue of resources waiting to connect to its grid.
Conservative clean energy nonprofit ClearPath joined a chorus sounding the alarm over flawed and overflowing generator interconnection queues nationwide.
RTOs and others opposed FERC's proposed penalties for missing interconnection study deadlines while generation developers balked at commercial readiness rules.
ISO-NE repeated a familiar refrain in its initial take on FERC’s interconnection NOPR: give us flexibility and make sure our region’s needs can be met.
MISO reported it received a record-shattering 171 GW worth of proposed generation projects across 956 interconnection requests for 2022.
FERC's Willie Phillips joined the Institute for Policy Integrity to discuss a shifting U.S. energy landscape and how FERC is aiding the clean power transition.
WECC said it struck “gold” from the details it gleaned from stakeholder interviews on the greatest challenges to transmission planning in the West.
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