interconnection queue
NYISO plans to narrow the scope of its interconnection studies and revise related pro forma agreements to address increasing grid connection requests.
To decrease congestion, MISO is suggesting a tighter limit on how much new generation can affect the surrounding grid without triggering more network upgrades.
FERC ruled for SPP in its dispute with Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc., over emergency energy transactions during the February 2021 winter storm.
MISO is resisting clean energy developers’ calls to allow penalty-free queue withdrawals for generation projects bogged down by SPP’s affected system studies.
Clean Grid Alliance asked MISO to consider penalty-fee withdraws for advanced-stage interconnection projects saddled with expensive network upgrade costs.
FERC has approved MISO's and SPP’s plan to assign a new prioritization of projects in their respective interconnection queues for study purposes.
Clean Grid Alliance asked MISO to develop a means to see late-stage projects through its generator interconnection queue when they’re delayed.
A summary of the issues scheduled to be brought to a vote at the PJM Markets and Reliability Committee and Members Committee meetings on April 27.
Rising natural gas prices and extreme weather pushed wholesale electricity prices higher in 2021, FERC said in its annual State of the Markets report.
MISO has FERC permission to whittle its generator interconnection from more than 500 days to a single year for some willing interconnection customers.
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