February 23, 2025

interface pricing

MISO Market Subcommittee Briefs
The MISO Market Subcommittee on Feb. 2, 2016, discussed Tariff revisions to extend the day-ahead market, interface pricing and EEE flags.
MISO Monitor Debates Capacity Rules with Board
MISO Market Monitor David Patton called for tighter rules on wayward generators, more precise real-time pricing and a fix for Financial Transmission Rights funding shortfalls.
Impatient FERC Hints at Action on PJM-MISO Seams Disputes
FERC increased its pressure on PJM and MISO to resolve their longstanding boundary disputes, saying it was considering taking action “to improve the efficiency of operations” at the RTOs’ seam.
Monitor Gives Lukewarm Review to PJM ‘Sham Scheduling’ Fix
PJM’s plan to change the definition of the IMO interface with the Ontario IESO received a lukewarm review from Monitor Joe Bowring, who said it would not correct what he has called “sham scheduling.”
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Patton Asks FERC to Set Deadline on PJM-MISO Interface Pricing Dispute
MISO’s Market Monitor urged FERC last week to resolve a standoff between MISO and PJM over interface pricing that he said is costing consumers millions.

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