February 23, 2025

investment tax credit (ITC)

The White House
Biden, Democrats Unveil $1.75T Build Back Better Framework
President Biden rolled out a new framework for a whittled-down budget reconciliation package that includes $555 billion in clean energy funding.
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OSW Developers See Robust Interest from Lenders
Developers still face challenges to finance offshore wind projects, but lenders are eager to get involved, speakers told the ACPA's OSW conference.
American Clean Power, Energy Storage Association Merge
American Clean Power Association will absorb fellow trade group U.S. Energy Storage Association at the beginning of the new year, the groups announced.
IRS Extends ITC, PTC Safe Harbor
Citing the coronavirus pandemic, the IRS extended the time that wind and solar developers have to complete their projects and qualify for tax credits.
Ørsted U.S.
Bills Dangle Generous Tax Credits for Renewables
Legislators see long-term, full-value tax credits as one tool among many that are needed to expand renewables at the requisite pace and scale.
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Clean Energy Wins, Fossil Fuels Lose in Biden Budget
The U.S. could save $35 billion by 2031 by immediately eliminating fossil fuel tax preferences, according to a line item in President Biden’s 2022 budget.
Panelists Point to Macrogrid as Key to Decarbonization
Speakers on an ARPA-E Innovation Summit panel agreed that the transition to renewable energy will require an interconnected nationwide grid.
Lenders, Developers Bullish on East Coast OSW
The Biden administration’s climate goals and a new investment tax credit has U.S. offshore wind developers and prospective lenders bullish about the future.
FERC and NEPA Reform Sought to Speed Tx Expansion
At a hearing before the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis, speakers discussed modernizing the grid & the steps necessary to decarbonize the U.S.
Transmission ITC Could Add 20 GW of New Capacity to Grid
The energy industry needs a federal investment tax credit specifically for transmission, according to a report by the American Council on Renewable Energy.

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