February 23, 2025

Joe Bowring

PJM Differs with Monitor in State of the Market Response
While PJM and its Independent Market Monitor agree that its markets “work” and are competitive, they disagree on what might make them better.
PJM Stakeholders Offer Different Takes on Markets’ Viability
In the afternoon of day one of FERC's major technical conference focused on PJM, with CEO Andy Ott, IMM Joe Bowring and state regulators testifying.
PJM Monitor Concerned About State Subsidies
The PJM Market Monitor gave his 2016 State of the Market Report, calling state subsidies for power plants a "threat" to wholesale electric markets.
FERC Conditionally Approves PJM’s Excess Capacity Plan
FERC has approved PJM’s proposal for selling back excess capacity in this February’s third Incremental Auction for the 2017/18 delivery year.
PJM Capacity Debates, Angst over State Subsidies to Continue in 2017
After its first full year under new CEO Andy Ott, and the last year of its transition to 100% Capacity Performance, PJM heads into 2017.
PJM Market Implementation Committee Briefs
PJM walked the Market Implementation Committee through planned Operating Agreement and Tariff revisions to satisfy elements of FERC Order 825.
PJM Market Monitor’s Q3 Report Finds Markets Competitive
The PJM Market Monitor reported that capacity and regulation market results were “generally competitive” in the first 9 months of 2016, but remain vulnerable to stress.
PJM Market Implementation Committee Briefs
After months of debate, PJM’s Manual 15 revisions on fuel-cost policies and hourly offers won the approval of the Market Implementation Committee.
Role, Value of Financial Trading Debated by OPSI Panel
PJM Market Monitor Joe Bowring and others debated the role and value of the RTO's financial transmission rights market at OPSI's annual meeting last week.
PJM Market Implementation Committee Briefs
After months of debate on proposed definitions for operating parameters, PJM and the Independent Market Monitor rankled some Market Implementation Committee members last week by introducing an unexpected, last-minute compromise package.

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