joint targeted interconnection queue (JTIQ)
MISO and SPP staff told stakeholders that they will not perform a Coordinated System Plan in 2025 but will accept transmission issues for their annual review early in the year.
FERC approved tariff revisions and modifications to the joint operating agreement between MISO and SPP that will enshrine a structural and cost-allocation framework for the five projects in their Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue portfolio.
Two years after announcing its $1.8 billion Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue transmission portfolio with SPP, MISO is putting final touches on FERC filings to make it happen.
SPP’s Board of Directors has added its approval to a proposed tariff revision that establishes a cost-allocation framework for projects in the JTIQ with MISO.
SPP filed bylaw amendments at FERC to place seven Western entities under its tariff that, if approved, will make the RTO the first grid operator with markets in both major interconnections.
MISO confirmed it likely will try again with FERC in the third quarter to apply an annual megawatt cap to its interconnection queue.
Weeks after the nearly $2 billion Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue (JTIQ) transmission portfolio was awarded a $465 million Department of Energy grant, MISO and SPP are switching their proposed cost allocation for the projects.
The Resource and Energy Adequacy Leadership (REAL) Team, a cross-section group of regulators, directors and stakeholders, is the answer to SPP's No. 1 strategic priority: resource adequacy.
A new ACORE report concludes MISO and PJM could save ratepayers $15 billion in a little more than a decade if they build more interregional transmission.
OMS took time to celebrate its 20-year anniversary at its annual meeting while exploring familiar themes of restructuring resource adequacy and barriers to large transmission buildout.
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