Kansas City Power & Light
For a historic moment for SPP, the ascension of two women to the RTO’s Markets and Operations Policy Committee leadership was fairly low-key.
KCP&L is fulfilling its promise to take legal action against SPP for how the RTO allocates costs to customers after a new transmission owner joins a zone.
SPP stakeholders once again took up the issue of Z2 waivers at last week's MOPC, and once again, the discussion was lively.
Kansas City Power & Light’s proposal for addressing SPP transmission cost shifts led to a free-wheeling discussion on transmission pricing and the unintended consequences of proposed Tariff changes at the Strategic Planning Committee meeting Thursday.
FERC said SPP improperly clawed back overpayments last year based on its reinterpretation of its bylaws before the rules were officially changed.
FERC rejected multiple requests for rehearing of its October 2014 order finding fault with SPP's interpretation of long-term congestion rights.
Southern Co. and three Missouri utilities told FERC that MISO has billed them more than $21 million in excessive transmission rates since Entergy joined the RTO in December 2013.
FERC last week accepted revised transmission formula rate protocols by four SPP and MISO utilities that had deficient protocols.
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