January 7, 2025

load forecasting

FERC OKs CAISO ‘Load Conformance’ Practices
FERC approved changes to CAISO’s Tariff that describe practices already employed to balance supply and demand in the day-ahead and real-time markets.
MISO Planning Week Briefs: Feb. 12-13, 2019
MISO will this year draw on three sets of contributors to create its load forecast for 2020 transmission planning.
PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: Dec. 13, 2018
PJM is reformatting and drafting clarifications to Manual 14B: PJM Region Transmission Planning Process that may impact the RTO’s planning modeling.
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PJM Operating Committee Briefs: Dec. 11, 2018
NERC is still analyzing the causes of the July 10 low-frequency event in the Eastern Interconnection, PJM’s Chris Pilong told the Operating Committee.
MISO Presents Load Forecasting Compromise
MISO proposed bringing the three major players in its load forecasting together to coordinate on predictions for long-term transmission planning.
MISO: Sept. Emergency Response Improved by Jan. Event
Lessons from the Jan. 17 MISO South emergency resulted in smoother management of the Sept. 15 emergency in the region, RTO officials told stakeholders.
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MISO Utilities Float New Load Forecasting Approach
A new proposal would require MISO load-serving entities to develop a 20-year base load forecast that includes predictions for non-coincident peaks.
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MISO Looks to Members for Load Forecasting Ideas
MISO said it is reviewing stakeholder proposals to improve load forecasts and plan hourly energy delivery on its evolving system.
Forecast Error Prompts CAISO CPM Procurement
A forecasting error is prompting CAISO to procure a large volume of out-of-market resources for September under a special measure.
MISO Nixes LSE Load Forecast Plan
MISO has called off a proposal to rely on data from its load-serving entities to compile its own long-term load forecast.

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