January 5, 2025

load-modifying resource (LMR)

MISO Foresees ‘Typical’ Spring
MISO predicts energy usage this spring will peak at 100 GW in May, with about 134 GW of total capacity available.
MISO Pursues Leaner LMR Accreditation
MISO will seek FERC approval for a proposal to tighten LMR accreditation standards for capacity auctions as stakeholders complain the plan is restrictive.
MISO Eyes Cuts to LMR Capacity Credit
MISO says it may reduce the capacity accreditation of some of its load-modifying resources in an effort to improve resource availability in its footprint.
MISO Group to Probe LMR Saturation
MISO’s Reliability Subcommittee will next year examine whether the RTO’s footprint is suffering from an excess of load-modifying resources.
MISO Taking Pains to Prepare for Moderate Winter
MISO is preparing for emergency conditions this winter despite projecting 40 GW of excess capacity to meet the forecasted peak in January.
OMS: 4.5 GW of Unregistered DERs in MISO
MISO is home to more than 4.5 GW of unregistered distributed energy resources, much of it for nonresidential use, the Organization of MISO States estimates.
MISO Finds Loss-of-load Risk in Fall, Winter Months
For the first time, MISO has found a loss-of-load risk outside of summer months, and said it may be more evidence for seasonal capacity supplies.
Emergencies Prompt MISO to Re-examine LMR Protocols
MISO executives said they continue to seek ways to improve the RTO’s response to an increasing number of emergency events.
Stakeholders: MISO System Fix Too Late for Summer
MISO’s effort to improve a key communication system will come too late to smooth summertime emergency procedures, stakeholders complained.
MISO to Fix Communications System Shortcomings
MISO want to improve how owners of LMRs interact with a communications system that some think hampered the RTO’s response to a grid emergency this winter.

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