February 23, 2025

load-serving entity (LSE)

Purdue University
Members Skeptical as MISO Explores LSE Load Forecasting
MISO is surveying how to get more information from load-serving entities to create a more detailed load forecast for transmission planning.
© RTO Insider
MISO Looks to Align Load Forecasting, Tx Planning
MISO is seeking to more closely harmonize its load forecasting process with the four 15-year future scenarios it creates for transmission planning.
SPP RSC Leaves Safe-Harbor Thresholds Unchanged
SPP’s Regional State Committee (SPP RSC) accepted a working group’s proposal to leave unchanged their safe-harbor thresholds.
FERC OKs New CAISO Load-Serving Entity Definition
FERC approved a new definition of a “load-serving entity” in CAISO that includes those that purchase wholesale electricity to serve their own needs.
CAISO Board Approves Broader LSE Definition
The CAISO Board of Governors voted to expand the definition of a “load-serving entity” to include the San Francisco BART and other organizations.
FERC Upholds MISO’s White Pine, Escanaba Refunds
FERC said MISO can continue doling out refunds to Wisconsin utilities, upholding the RTO’s new cost allocation methodology for three system support resource power plants in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.
CAISO Issues Revised Proposal to Expand LSE Definition
CAISO released a final draft proposal to expand the definition of a “load-serving entity” to include organizations purchasing wholesale power to serve their own needs.
CAISO Proposes Broadening LSE Definition
CAISO is proposing to amend its Tariff to expand the definition of a “load-serving entity” to include any organization granted authority to serve its own electricity needs.
PJM Debate over ‘Historic’ Capacity Rights Gets a Face: IMEA
A small contingent from IMEA showed up at a meeting of the PJM Market Implementation Committee last week to lobby for historic capacity rights.
PJM MIC Briefs
A round-up of news from the PJM Market Implementation Committee on Nov. 7, 2014.

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