February 23, 2025

load shedding

AEP Ohio
PJM Orders Load Sheds in AEP Following Storms
More than 200,000 AEP customers in Ohio lost power after storms damaged multiple transmission lines and forced load sheds on at least three 138-kV lines.
MISO Warns of Summer Emergencies, Load Shedding
MISO warned that even a normal amount of demand and generation outages will likely send it into emergency procedures this summer.
Jno Skinner, CC BY-4.0, via Wikimedia
FERC, NERC Share Findings on February Winter Storm
FERC and NERC staff shared their preliminary findings and recommendations on the February winter storm that led to unprecedented outages in Texas.
MISO: Wintry Weather Vindicates RA Changes
MISO concluded that its current suite of resource adequacy tools, and the in-progress projects it is working on, enable it to cope with extreme cold snaps.
Texas Admin Monitor
ERCOT Moves Quickly to Address Monitor’s Recommendations
ERCOT’s Market Monitor released its annual State of the Market report for 2020, finding that the wholesale market performed competitively in 2020.
CAISO Could See More Outages this Summer
California could experience capacity shortfalls this summer during severe heat because of limited imports and low hydroelectric production, CAISO said.
MISO Stresses Importance of Long-range Tx Plan
MISO planners stressed the importance of long-range transmission planning at a recent stakeholders' workshop, but some representatives were skeptical.
Stakeholder Soapbox: Another Alarming Moment for Texas
BHE Infrastructure Group CEO Chris Brown again disputes Steve Huntoon's claims that BHE's proposal will not sufficiently address Texas' reliability issues.
Stakeholder Soapbox: Berkshire’s Proposal Will Prevent Another Texas Power Catastrophe
BHE Infrastructure Group CEO Chris Brown responds to Steve Huntoon's criticism of BHE's proposed power solution for severe weather in Texas.
MISO, Stakeholders Disagree on Post-storm Accreditation
MISO staff and stakeholders clashed in front of board members on whether the RTO’s proposed capacity accreditation design should move forward.

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