February 24, 2025

locational marginal pricing (LMP)

PJM CEO Terry Boston Urges Consensus in 2015
Boston lamented that PJM took unilateral action on several contentious proposals in 2014 after stakeholders were unable to reach consensus.
© RTO Insider
Patton Asks FERC to Set Deadline on PJM-MISO Interface Pricing Dispute
MISO’s Market Monitor urged FERC last week to resolve a standoff between MISO and PJM over interface pricing that he said is costing consumers millions.
SPP Seeks to Bolster Market-Abuse Detection
SPP is seeking FERC approval for a revised Tariff that the RTO says will more accurately screen generators for market power abuses.
PJM’s Offer Cap Proposal Sparks Opposition
PJM’s request to raise the cost-based energy offer cap to $1,800/MWh through March drew a flurry of comments and protests in the days before Christmas.
PJM MIC to Consider Earlier Notice on Pricing Interfaces
PJM's MIC will begin work on an initiative to consider whether the RTO should provide more notice to the market before introducing “closed loop” interfaces.
PJM: Regional Approach the Cheapest Way to Comply with EPA Carbon Rule
State-by-state compliance with the EPA's proposed carbon emission rule would be almost 30% more expensive than a regional approach, according to preliminary results of PJM analyses.
PJM Monitor Seeks Changes on Interface Transactions
PJM should change its rules on pricing and scheduling of interface transactions to reflect changes in system conditions, the RTO’s Market Monitor says.
New England Generators: Exclude DR from Capacity Auction
The New England Power Generators Association asked FERC Nov. 14 to order ISO-NE to exclude demand response from the Forward Capacity Market.
MRC Hears Proposed Reserve Requirements Rule Changes
The PJM MRC heard first read Thursday on proposed rule changes to day-ahead resource commitment and scheduling reserve requirements.
Members Deadlock on Change to $1,000 Offer Cap
PJM stakeholders deadlocked Thursday over changes to the $1,000 energy offer cap, leaving the RTO’s board considering yet another unilateral filing with FERC.

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