February 23, 2025

locational price calculator (LPC)

FERC Accepts PJM 5-minute Pricing Revisions
FERC accepted PJM’s proposed Tariff revisions on fast-start pricing to resolve inaccuracy and dispatch misalignment issues.
PJM Stakeholders OK 5-Minute Dispatch Proposal
The MRC and MC gave a final endorsement of PJM’s short-term proposal to resolve five-minute dispatch and pricing issues.
PJM 5-Minute Dispatch Proposal Endorsed
Stakeholders endorsed a PJM proposal to resolve issues in five-minute dispatch and pricing but urged the RTO to continue seeking solutions.
Monitor: PJM Markets Remain ‘Under Attack’
PJM’s markets remain “under attack” from those concerned about the retirements of unprofitable legacy generators, the Monitor said.

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