February 22, 2025

Market Monitor

Market Monitors Endorse Call for Gas Reliability Organization
Market monitors from all six FERC-jurisdictional ISO/RTOs endorsed calls for a NERC-like gas reliability organization.
GE Power
FERC Accepts PJM Black Start Tariff Revisions
FERC accepted PJM tariff changes covering non-rate provisions for black start service, including commitment and termination periods.
NYISO Market Monitor Reviews Class Year 2019 BSM
The NYISO Market Monitoring Unit discussed its report on the Class Year 2019 buyer-side mitigation evaluations.
FERC Backs PJM IMM on Market Power Claim
FERC ordered PJM to revise its market seller offer cap to prevent sellers from exercising market power in the RTO’s capacity market.
PJM MIC Briefs: Feb. 10, 2021
PJM put a vote regarding CTR allocation on hold and discussed capital recovery factors as well as its long-term five-minute dispatch and pricing issue.
SPP MMU: Summer Load up 2% in 2020
This summer’s average hourly load in the SPP footprint was 2% higher than the year before, according to the MMU’s quarterly report.
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MISO Concurs with Most 2020 Monitor Recommendations
MISO agrees with nearly all the new recommendations its Monitor issued this year, though executing the ideas may take some time.
MISO IMM Rebuts Uneconomic Coal Commitment Studies
Uneconomic self-commitments of coal resources in MISO’s footprint are not occurring at the clip that critics imagine, the RTO’s Monitor said.
PJM Monitor Reports Record-low Energy Prices
PJM energy prices were lower in the first half of 2020 than any first six-month period since the creation of the RTO’s markets in 1999.
PJM Responds to IMM Report
PJM has responded to the Market Monitor’s annual State of the Market Report, highlighting five different areas of focus out of hundreds of recommendations.

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