February 24, 2025

market to market (M2M)

Southwest Power Pool Briefs
The SPP Seams Steering Committee welcomed two new members, while the RTO set another record for wind generation.
SPP Seams Steering Committee Briefs
SPP stakeholders agreed to amend a two-year-old policy paper and clarify when FERC approval would be needed for cost allocation towards some seams projects.
SPP Briefs
The Southwest Power Pool (SPP) says it has successfully implemented system changes required by FERC Order 809, improving gas-electric coordination.
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MISO, PJM Move Forward on TMEPs; 6 Projects Planned
MISO and PJM are close to implementing a targeted market efficiency project type and poised to approve six such projects with cross-regional benefits.
SPP’s M2M Payments to MISO Continued in September
The recent trend of SPP sending market-to-market payments to MISO continued in September, but that trend may reverse itself in the months to come.
SPP Briefs
SPP set yet another wind penetration record, surpassing ERCOT, while the Seams Steering Committee agreed to a joint transmission study with MISO.
MISO, Stakeholders: Reforms Needed, but ‘Seamless’ Seam an Illusion
MISO stakeholders say they do not expect perfect procedures at the seams with neighboring balancing areas, but they do want the RTO to implement reforms.
SPP, MISO Declare Year 1 of M2M a Success
SPP and MISO staff told stakeholders a memorandum of understanding between the two RTOs will solve most remaining problems with their M2M process.
SPP: FERC not Budging on non-Order 1000 Seams Projects
FERC  is hesitant to consider a regional cost allocation methodology for seams projects outside of an Order 1000 process, SPP said.
SPP Seams Steering Committee Briefs
A summary of issues discussed by the SPP Seams Steering Committee on Feb. 3, 2016, including a JOA with SaskPower and joint stakeholder meetings with MISO.

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